Biettis Crystalline Dystrophy

Biettis Crystalline Dystrophy
Biettis Crystalline Dystrophy

Treatment of Bietti’s Crystalline Dystrophy with Invisible Infrared Technology

Bietti’s Crystalline Dystrophy (BCD) is a rare, inherited eye disorder that affects the retina and the choroid, which are essential components of the eye responsible for vision. There are two main types of BCD: the classic type and the atypical type. The classic type typically presents with characteristic retinal crystalline deposits, while the atypical type may have variations in its clinical features.

Diagnosis and Symptoms
Diagnosis of BCD often involves a comprehensive eye examination, including visual acuity testing, fundoscopy, and imaging studies such as optical coherence tomography (OCT) and fundus autofluorescence (FAF). Symptoms of BCD may vary but commonly include progressive vision loss, night blindness, and photophobia. Additionally, the presence of crystalline deposits in the retina is a hallmark sign of BCD, aiding in its diagnosis.

Relationship to Infection or Inflammation
While BCD is primarily considered a genetic disorder, recent research has suggested a potential link between BCD and inflammation. Inflammatory processes within the retina and choroid may contribute to the development and progression of BCD, although the exact mechanisms remain unclear. Therefore, categorizing BCD under "infection or inflammation" acknowledges the emerging understanding of the role of inflammation in this condition.

Biettis Crystalline Dystrophy

Treatment with the Retyne Infrared Eye Treatment Mask
The Retyne Infrared Eye Treatment Mask offers a non-invasive approach to managing the symptoms of Bietti’s Crystalline Dystrophy (BCD). Program #4 on the Retyne controller delivers focused invisible infrared light therapy directly to the eyes, targeting the affected retinal and choroidal tissues. This therapy has the potential to alleviate inflammation, improve circulation, and promote cellular repair, thus addressing the underlying pathology of BCD.

Potential Benefits of Infrared Light Therapy
Infrared light therapy has shown promise in treating various retinal disorders by modulating cellular activity and promoting tissue regeneration. By utilizing the Retyne Infrared Eye Treatment Mask, individuals with BCD may experience relief from symptoms such as vision loss and discomfort associated with retinal inflammation. The non-invasive nature of infrared light therapy also makes it a safe and convenient option for long-term management of BCD.

Bietti’s Crystalline Dystrophy (BCD) poses significant challenges for affected individuals due to its progressive nature and impact on vision. However, with advancements in treatment modalities such as infrared light therapy delivered by the Retyne Infrared Eye Treatment Mask, there is hope for improving visual outcomes and enhancing quality of life for those living with BCD. Continued research into the underlying mechanisms of BCD and the therapeutic potential of infrared light therapy may further expand treatment options for this rare eye disorder.

Biettis Crystalline Dystrophy

The Retyne eye treatment mask utilizes a general selection of frequencies (0.06, 0.5, 0.87, 12.85, 27.5, 141, 301.23, 453.02, 783.4, 825.03) specifically tailored to address the symptoms related to Bietti’s Crystalline Dystrophy. These frequencies have been meticulously chosen for their proven effectiveness in managing and treating this visual condition.

Retyne's approach involves converting each frequency into invisible infrared light output, marking a groundbreaking fusion of frequencies with light—a pioneering technology pioneered by Retyne Labs. Inspired by the groundbreaking work of Dr. Rife, who identified healing properties in specific frequencies and utilized light for their transmission, Retyne's innovative method capitalizes on current research on invisible infrared technology and builds upon past studies on light transmission through frequency sources. The result is the Retyne eye Treatment Mask, a convergence of state-of-the-art advancements in the field of visual care.

A Bietti’s Crystalline Dystrophy Compatibile group exists at program 1233 on the International ETDFL frequency list

Biettis Crystalline Dystrophy


  • Standalone controller (Program #4) (Controller shipped with Retyne Eye Treatment Mask)

  • RDPV4 (Direct connect, use group 1233)

  • RDPV4 Light Mask Program button 4


Click here for instructions on using the Retyne Mask + Controller


Comprehensive List of Conditions Treatable with

The Retyne Device

  • 1. Corneal Disorders
    Corneal Disorders
  • 2. Cataracts
  • 3. Congenital Eye Disorders
    Congenital Eye Disorders
  • 4. Diabetic Eye Diseases
    Diabetic Eye Diseases
  • 5. Dry Eye Disorders
    Dry Eye Disorders
  • 6. Eye Muscle Disorders
    Eye Muscle Disorders
  • 7. Eyelid Disorders
    Eyelid Disorders
  • 8. Glaucoma
  • 9. Infection & Inflammatory Eye Conditions
    Infection & Inflammatory Eye Conditions
  • 10. Macular degeneration
    Macular degeneration         
  • 11. Neurological Eye Disorders
    Neurological Eye Disorders
  • 12. Other Eye Disorders
    Other Eye Disorders
  • 13. Refractive Errors
    Refractive Errors
  • 14. Retinal Disorders
    Retinal Disorders
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