Normal-Tension Glaucoma

Normal-Tension Glaucoma
Normal-Tension Glaucoma

Understanding Normal-Tension Glaucoma

Normal-tension glaucoma (NTG), also known as low-tension or normal-pressure glaucoma, is a subtype of primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG). Unlike typical glaucoma where high intraocular pressure (IOP) is a primary factor, NTG occurs in individuals with normal or consistently low IOP levels. Despite the absence of elevated pressure, NTG can still cause progressive optic nerve damage and visual field loss, leading to vision impairment or blindness if left untreated.

Types and Diagnosis

There are no distinct types of NTG, but it falls under the broader category of open-angle glaucoma. The diagnosis of NTG is typically made through a comprehensive eye examination, which includes measuring IOP, assessing the appearance of the optic nerve head, and conducting visual field testing. In NTG, the optic nerve shows signs of damage consistent with glaucoma, such as cupping and thinning of the nerve fiber layer, despite normal or low IOP measurements.

Treatment and Management

The management of NTG focuses on lowering the risk of disease progression and preserving vision. This often involves the use of medications such as topical eye drops to reduce IOP, even though the pressure is within the normal range. Additionally, lifestyle modifications and regular monitoring of optic nerve health and visual function are crucial aspects of management. In some cases, laser trabeculoplasty or surgical interventions may be recommended to further lower IOP and slow disease progression.

Normal-Tension Glaucoma

Retyne Infrared Eye Treatment for NTG

The Retyne Infrared Eye treatment mask offers a novel approach to managing the symptoms of NTG. Program #2 on the Retyne controller utilizes invisible infrared light therapy, which has shown potential in promoting ocular health and reducing inflammation. While traditional treatments for glaucoma focus on lowering IOP, infrared light therapy targets underlying cellular processes, potentially offering neuroprotective effects to the optic nerve.

Normal-tension glaucoma poses a unique challenge in its management due to its occurrence despite normal or low intraocular pressure. While lowering IOP remains a key aspect of treatment, additional approaches such as infrared light therapy provided by the Retyne Infrared Eye treatment mask can offer complementary benefits in preserving optic nerve function and slowing disease progression. Early diagnosis, regular monitoring, and a comprehensive treatment approach are essential in managing NTG and preserving vision for affected individuals.

The Retyne Infrared Eye Treatment Mask offers a potential therapeutic solution for managing the symptoms of Normal-tension glaucoma. Program #2 on the Retyne controller delivers invisible infrared light therapy directly to the eyes, targeting the underlying mechanisms contributing to elevated intraocular pressure. By utilizing infrared light therapy, the Retyne mask aims to promote relaxation of the ciliary muscles, improve aqueous humor drainage, and reduce intraocular pressure. This non-invasive treatment provides a comfortable and convenient option for individuals dealing with Normal-tension glaucoma, complementing traditional treatments such as eye drops or oral medications.

The Retyne eye treatment mask harnesses a series of frequencies (0.07, 0.12, 0.6, 0.87, 2.25, 22.5, 187.5, 396.5, 587.5, 696.5) specifically tailored for addressing Normal-tension glaucoma. These frequencies have been carefully selected for their efficacy in managing and treating this condition.

Normal-Tension Glaucoma

Retyne's approach involves translating each frequency into invisible infrared light output, representing a novel integration of frequencies with light, a pioneering technology developed by Retyne Labs. This innovative method draws inspiration from the pioneering work of Dr. Rife, who identified specific frequencies with healing properties and utilized a light source for their transmission. Building upon current research on invisible infrared technology and leveraging past studies on light transmission via frequency sources, the Retyne eye treatment mask represents a fusion of cutting-edge advancements in the field.

Normal-tension glaucoma General Group exists at program 1407 on the International ETDFL frequency list

Normal-Tension Glaucoma


  • Standalone controller (Program #2) (Controller shipped with Retyne Eye Treatment Mask)

  • RDPV4 (Direct connect, use group 1407)

  • RDPV4 Light Mask Program button 2


Click here for instructions on using the Retyne Mask + Controller


Comprehensive List of Conditions Treatable with

The Retyne Device

  • 1. Corneal Disorders
    Corneal Disorders
  • 2. Cataracts
  • 3. Congenital Eye Disorders
    Congenital Eye Disorders
  • 4. Diabetic Eye Diseases
    Diabetic Eye Diseases
  • 5. Dry Eye Disorders
    Dry Eye Disorders
  • 6. Eye Muscle Disorders
    Eye Muscle Disorders
  • 7. Eyelid Disorders
    Eyelid Disorders
  • 8. Glaucoma
  • 9. Infection & Inflammatory Eye Conditions
    Infection & Inflammatory Eye Conditions
  • 10. Macular degeneration
    Macular degeneration         
  • 11. Neurological Eye Disorders
    Neurological Eye Disorders
  • 12. Other Eye Disorders
    Other Eye Disorders
  • 13. Refractive Errors
    Refractive Errors
  • 14. Retinal Disorders
    Retinal Disorders
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